What kind of ruffles there are?

What kind of ruffles there are? What are the differences? Today we talk about these questions that many of you asked us, thanks to our co-worker Álvaro that he will reveals us the answers.

The two most used ruffles for do a flamenco dress are the Layer ruffle and basket ruffle

Layer ruffle

You can make this kind of ruffle using a donut pattern, like you can see in the image below:

Donut type cut.

The next step will be do a cut that will use for unite each other ruffle:

We cut the ruffle.

And this is how it would look once that we do the cut in the middle:

The ruffle once is cut in the middle.

This ruffle, a difference from others, it is sew over the skirt or dress, and for give it volume to the ruffle we can use organdy or can-can.

Basket ruffle

In this kind of frill we'll have to find out the width and length of the frills. With them we'll create the skirt structure, that is, the frills will not be sew in any base, joined together they will create the skirt.

To find out the width we should divide the length of the skirt that we want between the number of ruffle that we want, for example, if we want a skirt of 70 cm of length and 5 ruffle we divide it, the result is 14 cm, that will be the width of the ruffle and we'll add 2cm of seam allowance.

Then we'll find out the length of the ruffle, the first ruffle will guide us over all the others. For this first one we'll take twice the size of the hip, for example, if the size of the hip are 80cm the first ruffle will be the doble, 160cm.

This first ruffle will be the one that will go unite to the body, when you gather it the head part will remain, following the example, in 80cm up, the hip part, and 160 cm down, where will go united the next ruffle.

Then the next will be twice length than the first one, following the example, twicer 160cm will be 320cm. When you gather it, the part that goes unite to the first ruffle will measure 160cm and the below in 320cm. For know the length of the next ruffle we should multiply the previous number, so on until get the number of ruffle that you want.

We leave you with the video where our colleague Álvaro explains the types of ruffles

We hope it has been helpful!

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